NEW DATE! Register now for the AHCA webinar 12/2/21 – CMS Interim Final Rule on Vaccine Mandate
Tomorrow, 12/2 at 11:30am EST, AHCA will host a live, members-only webinar on the CMS Interim Final Rule on Vaccine Mandate. AHCA anticipates high attendance, so we encourage members to register early.
Register now for the AHCA webinar 12/2/21 at 11:30am EST
Office Hours: CMS Interim Final Rule on Vaccine Mandate
- The webinar will be recorded and available for review within 48 business hours. All registrants will receive an email when the recording is available.
- The webinar is open to AHCA/NCAL facility members only. Note: NCHCFA membership includes AHCA/NCAL membership. Vendor members do not have access.
- All registrants will receive follow up emails on how to join the webinar.
- Presentation slides will be available at the start time of the event.
- All participants will listen to the webinar via streaming. A phone number will not be provided.
If you experience any issues with registration, please contact, and someone from the AHCA Education department will assist.