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AHCA Product of the Week: Creating Inclusive Communities for LGBTQI and HIV+ Older Adults


What are some of the unique concerns, needs, and strengths of your residents who are also lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender? How can your staff make sure that all residents, including LGBT people, are safe and affirmed in your community? This training will cover the key information and skills that are key to creating an inclusive environment. We will focus on terminology, the history of the LGBT experience, and common questions and scenarios to make sure your staff is skilled at LGBT cultural competency.    

After completing this online learning module, participants will be able to:    

  • Describe the unique needs of LGBT older adults.  
  • Provide reasons why LGBT older adults may hide their LGBT identities or are fearful of accessing services.     
  • Identify practices to create a more welcoming and supportive environment   

Continuing Education Credit: 1.25 NAB approved CEs upon course completion. 

AHCA/NCAL Member Pricing: $150 per individual with continuing education credits (CEs).  

Creating Inclusive Communities for LGBT Older Adults is applicable to staff working in any type of senior living setting, in all 50 states. If your state has specific training requirements, please view the supplemental materials.    

Supplemental state materials are available for California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C.   

If you have questions or require information specific to your state not listed here, please contact  

Click here to learn more and registration.