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NC Sentinel Network Questionnaire on Workforce Deadline Extended to 7/8!

Help the NC Sentinel Network address the health workforce challenges you are facing by completing this questionnaire by July 8.

What is the NC Sentinel Network? 

NC Sentinel is part of a group of health care organizations that are collaborating to gather timely information about what employers are facing.  This information will be shared with policymakers, planners and educators. All information provided will remain confidential and shared only on a de-identified basis. 

As a key health workforce partner, you are being asked to share your health workforce needs via the link below. This will take approximately 20 minutes, depending upon the size and complexity of your organization. Examples of question topics include:  

  • What are your current workforce experiences and concerns?   
  • How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your organization?  
  • What health workforce challenges are you facing now compared to six months ago?    


You are encouraged to share this link and invite your colleagues to become Sentinels and share their health workforce recruitment, retention, and skills issues.   

Your feedback is confidential
Please be assured that data you provide to the Sentinel Network will be kept confidential. Your organization’s data will be reported in aggregate form with data from similar organizations. Great care will be taken to ensure that no individual organization’s responses can be identified in reports.  

If you have any questions, please email