AHCA Product of the Week: Improving Staff Resiliency and Retention: An Action Plan that Works
Working in post acute and long term care is incredibly rewarding. It is also stressful due to the demands and pressures that are faced on a daily basis. The workforce crisis and COVID-19 have exacerbated this stress creating even more challenges for those who work in long term care.
This course is aimed at reinvigorating your passion for long term care by providing you with tools and resources you can immediately use to decrease your perceived stress levels and help your team members do the same to aid with staff retention. Self-care is essential and is the key to self-managing stressful situations. If you are not taking care of yourself first, how can you be expected to take care of others? It is time to put yourself first!
Mindfulness-based stress reduction learned in this training can help put self-care back into your daily routine and support you in doing what you do best.
Course Objectives:
- Identify what stress is.
- Identify why we fail at self-care.
- Examine the importance of self-care.
- Describe the mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program.
- Discuss how to use the MBSR program to improve staff retention, resiliency, and improve job satisfaction.
- Describe how to establish a MBSR program peer support group.
- Discuss the sustainability of MBSR programs.
- Identify which MBSR program strategy you can implement today to decrease your stress.
Presenter: Pamela Truscott, MSN/Ed, DNS-CT, QCP, RAC-CT, CDP, Director, Clinical and Regulatory Services
$199 for AHCA/NCAL members
$249 for non-members
Additional discounts are available for groups 26+
3.50 NAB CEs and 3.0 CEs through the Iowa Board of Nursing are available upon course completion.
Click here to learn more information and register.